Ebendorferstraße 6/4, 1010 Vienna, phone +43 (0)1 402 53 41

According to the WHO, an unfulfilled desire for a child exists if no natural pregnancy occurs after one year of regular sexual intercourse without contraception. From then on, you should clarify the causes. This includes a spermiogram.

You can find our current prices under the item costs.

We use a spermiogram to assess male fertility.

In doing so, we evaluate the quality of your sperm according to various criteria. These include the number of sperm in the ejaculate, the shape, motility, liquefaction time, volume of the ejaculate, viscosity (whether the semen sample is viscous), pH, color and vitality (how many live sperm are contained in the ejaculate).

First, we will inform you in detail and make an appointment with you.

You should be sexually abstinent for at least three days before this date.

You should not have a cold, inflammation or fever on the day of the spermiogram, as this may affect the result. In our clinic, we have a discreet room where you will use masturbation to obtain the semen sample that we will examine. We will discuss the results and subsequent treatment recommendations with you and your partner in a follow-up appointment.

If the result of your spermiogram is not due to a previous disease or has genetic reasons, you should think about a lifestyle change.

Smoking, drinking a lot of alcohol, being overweight and excessive stress have a negative effect on sperm quality.

Healthy diet, regular exercise and emotional well-being help to improve sperm quality.

A complete sperm production takes 96 days. In principle, a spermiogram can be made after cancer treatment after about 12 weeks.

However, the regeneration of fertility depends on various factors, such as the level of the treatment dose or the age of the patient. Often, the spermiogram is already limited before cancer treatment. Seek the advice of your treating physician before scheduling a spermiogram. Especially in the case of testicular tumor, full recovery can take up to three years, and in certain cases up to nine years.