Ebendorferstraße 6/4, 1010 Vienna, phone +43 (0)1 402 53 41

Your appointment request was successful!

We will contact you shortly to make an appointment and look forward to accompanying you on your way to having a child.


When you come to us for the first time (initial consultation), please take a few minutes together with your partner to carefully fill out the medical history form. Your information is important to us in order to provide you with individualized counseling and care.

To the online medical history form

You have the option of filling out the online form immediately or you can do so at a later time. The link will be sent to you in a separate e-mail.

If you prefer to have the form as PDF, you have the possibility to download the PDF here.

Download PDF medical history form

Thank you in advance for your support!
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at +43 (0)1 402 53 41 or use our contact form.